Concrete slab crack repair stitching
Concrete slab crack repair stitching


Uneven drying, shrinkage, and temperature changes can all cause fractures in your slab. Due to the rigid nature of concrete, cracks are inevitable.


of 1/16" wide crack and you plan to start repairing cracks for your business.Every concrete slab has cracks.


Purchase the Crackweld Pro kit to repair up to 100 ft. You'll need a single cartridge caulking gun for the kits above. Purchase the Crackweld 4-pack kit to repair up to 100 ft. Purchase the CrackWeld 2-pack kit to repair up to 50 ft. That's why I use them.Ĭoverage: For full-depth repair of a standard 4” slab, each CrackWeld kit will repair: The kits along with the customer service from RadonSeal are excellent. I highly recommend these concrete floor crack repair kits. Watch a video of me repairing a crack in a concrete floor Screw on the nut and store the cartridge in an upright position. If you have some repair resin left in the cartridge, unscrew the tip and replace the cap. If you're scraping them with a puddy knife or sanding with a palm sander, then do this after about 10 - 15 minutes. If you're going to grind the cracks afterwards, you can repair all your cracks first, then come back and grind them. It's not necessary to do this, but this method a very easy way to remove any excess material. I own some 4" hand grinders, so I always grind the repair material smooth. If you have a long crack to repair, I suggest doing 10 to 15 feet at a time. The resin is quite firm at after 3 minutes and usually fully hard at 10 - 15 minutes. You can stop for 30 - 60 seconds but not more than that or the resin will harden in the tip. You won't want to stop and leave the caulking gun sitting on the floor before you're finished. Note: This repair material hardens very quickly.

  • Wait about 10 minutes and scrape or sand the excess level with the concrete floor.
  • Leave this epoxy paste a little higher than the concrete floor.
  • Use the puddy knife to mix the sand and resin, making a paste and forcing it into the crack.
  • Go over the sand again with the epoxy resin.
  • Wet out the crack by injecting some of the resin into the crack.
  • If the crack is under 1/4 inch, follow the steps below: If you don't, you'll loose a lot of the repair resin down through the crack. If the crack is wider than 1/4 inch, you will want to fill the crack up half way with sand first. Note: After you've purged the cartridge, keep it pointed downwards. Repairing the crack in the concrete floor

    concrete slab crack repair stitching

    Purge (squirt) some material into a cup first to make sure the material is mixed correctly.Set on the mixing nozzle over the back-flow restrictor and use the same retaining nut you unscrewed from the top to tighten down the mixing nozzle.(right where you broke off the protective cap) Insert the little back-flow restrictor piece into the top of the cartridge.Keep the cartridge held upright and place it in the caulking gun.You may be able to break it off with your fingers, if not, tap it with a hammer to break the seal then break it off. Remove the protective cap on the top of the cartridge.Grab the cartridge and unscrew the top.The kit comes with detailed instructions to follow. The first thing I do is take everything out of the kit and lay it on the floor.

    concrete slab crack repair stitching concrete slab crack repair stitching concrete slab crack repair stitching

    You can just use a wire brush if you don't have a grinder, you want to make sure the surface is clean and there isn't any loose concrete or dirt in the crack. I run a 4 inch grinder over the crack to clean the surface, then I vacuum it out to remove any dust & debris in the crack. I'll explain how we prepare for and repair a crack like this, then you can watch my video to see for yourself how we repaired this crack. We're preparing this garage floor for an epoxy coating so we want to weld this crack back together so it doesn't show through the new epoxy flooring. The crack is about 6 feet long and up to 1/4 inch wide.


    Here's a picture of the crack in the concrete floor I'm going to show you how to repair.

    Concrete slab crack repair stitching